Sunday, August 3, 2014


My Illustration for Orang Illustrations Goods cushions, printed and applied in safe and soft material.
Check Orang's web to see the other cushions, or if you want to know how to have mine :) There's a lot of fabulous works from Indonesians talented artist and illustrator that will make your eyes dazzling.

Bali and The Ever Changing

Thursday, May 8, 2014


Another updates from my PEPA Denim sketchbook,So far I have try use any kind of material and the  paper still can handle the most of it! so all I can say it's worth to try this sketchbook.

Saturday, April 5, 2014


My initiated works with my studio partner in Kancata,Dicky Saputra.We made two illustration  for our postcard project and here's mine. Satria is Indonesian words for warrior,the illustration was inspired by traditional warrior from several tribes in Indonesia.

STA on progress

I currently Involved with another project from Listen to The World,Support The Arts.The project aimed to make an artworks based from the content in their website.It's never been easy for me to work with Listen to The World,They always challenge me in how far I can build my own opinion and interpretation.
Listen to The world also request all the artworks results in traditional ways,which contrast with my works were I usually combine digital approached.

drawing session with all the Support The Arts visual contributor,lead by Adikara Rachman as our mentor.
photo by Adikara Rachman

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Elephant for Elephant

Harmony its my illustration for the Elephant for Elephant,an Elephant Advocates, aiming to replace each Elephant that died in 2013 with a piece of Elephant art work.You all invited to be part of this mission,so c'mon let’s be part of it! 
Check their web to know how to get involved!
Spread the words guys..

Hi Guys,
Don't forget to check my facebook page,place where I use to post my daily drawing, even it's not always posted daily,but I hope you can enjoy each of the post.
